Your users no longer need to spend days reading through product manuals.
With just a few clicks, train your own instance of Aqyn on your documentation, allowing the AI Assistant to answer questions naturally based on your custom knowledge base.
Senior Product AI Consultant
Senior Product AI Consultant
Easy to get the correct answer.
The AI-Generated answers based on comprehensive Document Analysis bring a powerful benefit by extracting answers from all your documents. It can combine insights from multiple sources, much like a product specialist who has read everything and can consult customers with all that knowledge in mind. This ensures that every answer is accurate and well-informed, leading to better decisions and personalized customer interactions without the need to manually review each document.
Use Cases
Virtual Product Specialist
Does your company have extensive product documentation like manuals, instructions, marketing presentations and methodical guides? With Aqyn, your customers can get expert product insights and troubleshooting help in natural language, drawing answers directly from your existing materials. Do not force your users to read tons of materials. Let Aqyn read them and provide the answers.
Internal Engineering Support
Does your company manage extensive technical documentation like README files, developer guides, code standards, custom libraries, confluence pages, and simple notes? With Aqyn, engineers can get natural language answers to technical questions, combining insights from multiple sources in your knowledge base.
A Student learns from a Guru
A guru can use Aqyn to make their extensive knowledge—such as documents, notes, and recommendations—easily accessible, allowing users to ask specific questions directly from a knowledge base and receive expert answers. Alternatively, those wanting to learn can input their learning materials into Aqyn to start receiving accurate answers tailored to their specific information.
How does it work?
Simply copy and paste the HTML/JS snippet into your website or portal after registration. Voila! Aqyn widget will answer all your users questions based on the documents you provide in the admin interface. It’s completely free with basic functionality — no credit cards or payment credentials needed to get started.
Contact us.
Have a question or want to explore how we can work together? Reach out to us through the form below. We're here to help and offer free consultations to get you started!